Celebrating our 100th Post by Celebrating You

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

Top 9 Learnings from our Readers

Beyond Introversion: I selected this title for our website because we, as introverts, are trying to shrug off the negative stereotype of introversion which includes words like anti-social, abnormal, hermits that still exist in dictionaries and thesauruses today. Worse yet, these stigmas torment many introverts throughout our lives. It's time for us to understand our introversion, embrace it, use it to chart a new, more authentic path for ourselves so we can reach our dreams our way!

We are introverts. Introversion is not something we overcome or eliminate. It is part of our personality that we can champion and be proud of. As we do this, we can allow ourselves to grow and stretch Beyond Introversion.

For many of my posts, I scribe some of my struggles and lessons to share and inspire. For this 100th blog post, I want to highlight how others are reaching Beyond Introversion!

  1. Socializing authentically (Norma H): "...authenticity is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. When you know who you are, you live life from a more conscious perspective rather than the auto-pilot behaviors that most of us fall into, doing the same thing over and over again even when we don’t like what we are doing. When we are self-aware, we make better decisions, have more quality relationships, live in greater abundance, and generally experience a more meaningful and fulfilling life."

  2. Planning for success (Mary G): "I use a calendar book to manually record events of each day and scrap paper for things-to-do list. I need to organize and set priorities."

  3. Well balanced & introspective (Joe S): "My overriding wish for this year is to feel much more aware and 'in control' of my emotions, or the thoughts that feed, or in some cases, ignite them. I've always been quite open about my mental health struggles, and in doing so, other men in my circle of friends have spoken to me to thank me for being open, as they too were struggling, but could not open up. Men's mental health can be quite taboo, and it's something that I'd like to help people with in the future."

  4. Be creative (Nick W): "I too struggle to perform in the corporate world - endless team meetings and presentations. I get through this by preparing for these situations and ultimately producing high-quality results. As a creative, I find not many people have my skills in the corporate world so my work is well respected. I am usually quite open about my introversion as it is so obvious!"

  5. Stretch kindly (Rebecca W): "Your idea of stretching kindly really spoke to me. I struggle with gearing up to go out of my comfort zone and then retreating and repeating. It’s exhausting. What I learned from your blog is the idea that retreating is self-compassion, not cowardice. It’s balanced back and forth not constant forward motion. Thank you for the wisdom! I'd like to apply it to parenting with purpose and how we can hold space for ourselves and our parenting partners on the journey."

  6. Lead teams (Ty B): "Introverts are more likely to take time to think about how to best manage a diverse team than extroverts would."

  7. Refreshed at the end of your day (Renee F): "I identify with this blog! Especially since COVID almost forced me to slow down and rest and relax, I have realized how much I love my "me' time and downtime. I need it now. It gives me a chance to unwind and recharge."

  8. Be one (work and home) (Jeannetta M): "People like you are getting the message out that Introverts have strengths that are needed to make things more Whole."

  9. Life is a Journey (Marcia C): "I also like how you stated success is progress in the right direction. It resonated with me because In the last 5 years or so I have tried to live by the idea that life is a journey and not a destination. In focusing on the journey, I have found that getting to the destination is more enjoyable, less stressful, and the destination is usually overall better. If the destination is not what I imagined or turned out disappointing, at least I enjoyed getting there and learned a lot along the journey. So in my journeys, I will also now define success as progress in the right direction."


I used to feel that being an introvert was a curse. I constantly compared myself to the more gregarious and seemingly more confident people that surrounded me at work and in social circles. However, throughout this journey and the encouragement of your sharing and feedback, I've grown to realize that introversion is a blessing.

Even more so, being aware of who I am and how to use my strengths to more confidently approach work meetings and networking along with social parties and surprises is truly a gift. This is my journey. We are all on our own path of discovery. As Marcia states above, let's enjoy the experience. Let's learn about ourselves and go Beyond Introversion together!

There are so many great stories of introvert discovery and contribution to dispel the myths and bad definitions every day. Let's shed the naysayers. Bask in our own authenticity. Stretch kindly. And proudly proclaim our introversion. I am an introvert!

After just a couple of months of blogging back in 2019, Rob, friend and original blog readers from the beginning, appeared concerned that I would run out of meaty topics to share. I assured Rob that as an introvert who had held much of my thoughts and observations inside my head for decades, I had plenty of material. I hope you've enjoyed the first 100 posts and gotten some nuggets from the variety of topics.

Through 100 posts, we've covered such life-changing tips as Journaling, Reenergizing, Stretching Kindly, and Presidential Introverts. I've also had the honor of hosting 18 guest bloggers who have all added unique expertise and perspectives to share with us. Rest assured, we have lots more exciting topics to share in the weeks and years ahead. I hope you will join us and spread the word to others.

If you'd like to suggest a topic, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me today!

See you next week! 😉

Celebrate with us

Most Popular Post:

Should I Tell People at Work I'm an Introvert?

Most Popular Guest Post:

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Our First Blog:

Welcome to Beyond Introversion

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And finally...

Over 1,000 people have taken our personalized introvert quizzes! Both are quick, free, confidential, and results are packed with personalized tips to use and grow your own strengths.

Next Week:

Corporate Wake Up Calls

How you can catch the introvert wave