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“The road to authenticity is often upstream. Steve swims it, in spite of the currents.”

Norma T. Hollis

America’s Leading Authenticity Expert and author of 

Ten Steps to Authenticity and Blueprint for Engagement: Authentic Leadership

Book Reviews
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Wallflowers of the world will rejoice upon reading

Steve Friedman's account of his journey.

In Search of Courage: An Introvert’s Story, is a well-needed book that really goes into depth about being introverted, the feelings involved, and how society views and treats introverts. The stories in this book go from heart-wrenching to heartwarming.

As an introvert myself, I can certainly relate. I cannot imagine how scary it must have been for the author to share so much of himself with the world but I think the fact that he has, proves that he has found the courage that he was in search of. Perhaps this book will help others to do the same!

In Search of Courage

Paperback         $ 11.99

E-Book              $   2.99 


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Signed Paperback          $ 11.99

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